Iowa City Int’l Doc Award

“Por Dinero” celebrates its third award at Iowa City International Documentary Film Festival.

The Inter/Trans/National Award:

Thank you Georg Koszulinski for pointing us in the direction of this festival with only a few days left to submit. And boy did we hesitate with the $35 entry fee. All worth it now!

Lots of Good News

Bali, Indonesia is done and by God did we get some good footage (if it comes out; how ephemeral film can be!).

While in Bali, “Por Dinero” got into 3 festivals: the 7th Indie Grits FF, the 11th Iowa City International Documentary FF, and the 9th Seattle True Independent FF. All big fests!

And then “Por Dinero” won Honorable Mention at Big Muddy. HUGE. We get award money too!

Oh yeah not to mention, right after Big Muddy, we got into Chicago Underground! The biggest underground festival in the world in its 20th year. We were playing alongside one of our idols, Bill Brown. Too amazing.

Now we’re neck-deep in this H.E.F.F. business, our inaugural experimental film festival. Happening in early June! Check out the website (

Por Dinero Update


ImagePor Dinero is accepted into the 35th annual Big Muddy Film Festival! I remember convincing my brother to submit here (this is Brendan speaking btdubs). He was scared of the number 35. This is without a doubt the longest running film festival we’ve submitted to so far, and we’re in!

Peter Hutton on Experimental Film

Not sure when this interview actually took place, but we like what he says. Keep experimental cinema alive!

CINEMAD: Was there a flashpoint where you became interested in art film?

PETER HUTTON: For the first 10 years of my creative life I wasn’t making films, I was a painter as a teenager, then a sculptor. I was in L.A. for a summer in the mid-60s. I went to see one of Kenneth Anger’s experimental films on La Cienega. I then moved to San Francisco to go to the San Francisco Art Institute. I started seeing Harry Smith and Bruce Conner at the Straight Ashbury Film Society that Freuda Bartlett ran. I thought this was going to be huge! Everybody did! In some way a rival to commercial film culture, because the parameters were so blown open from traditional cinema. It’s interesting watching it over the last 40 years collapse into a pretty delicate little culture. It’s kind of kept alive by young people who are just discovering this work, who get really excited about it, and fortunately start writing about it. But it’s also kept alive by those who teach, the art schools who are, for the most part, employing a lot of people who are propagating it through showing their own and other people’s work. It’s a relatively modest yet a wonderful alternative to commercial film culture.


Cheers to Bali

Facebook says,

“Happy birthday pretty lady!!!! Hope you have the most awesome birthday ever!!!! Do it big in Bali!! Take plenty of shots and dance like a crazy person! Don’t let me down! Wish I was there to party with you! 25 years of awesome-ness!! Great reason to celebrate! 🙂 love you lady!! Xoxoxo”

It’s quite obvious people are going to Bali for the wrong reasons. One reason this film needs to be made.

Bali, Indonesia

Capitalism is a cancerous plague tearing the very fabric of indigenous cultures around the world.

Its idea of a constant rising profit without regard to equilibrium is backwards to any system that has ever breached the physical world: biology, physics, economics. Economics is an invisible entity but an entity nonetheless. It’s a system that must find balance or collapse is inevitable. Just as we saw in the recent economic collapse. Just as we witnessed in the Colony Collapse Disorder with the honeybees. And just as everyone forgot (or never knew) the near-collapse of Bali’s rice system in the 60s. We’re supposed to look to history to improve, to fix mistakes. But history is old, like stale bread that’s ugly and grows mold, so we hide it in the breadbox–out of sight and mind.

Here are some things we’re facing while trying to represent Bali, Indonesia- the “Island of the Gods”:
1. The capitalistic exploit of natural beauty and the destruction of a local culture due to the influx of tourism and its subsequent imbalance of money distribution.
2. The mutilation of sustainable farming practices over 1,000 years old with crippling, modern techniques.
3. The deterioration of indigenous morals leading to higher alcohol consumption, gambling and cockfighting because of excess paper money.
4. The concept of linguistic determinism and Bali’s unique spacial orientation (kaja/kelod=north/south=good/evil=gods/demons=mountains/sea) propelling the new reality of Bali overrun with the southern tourists by the sea.

“It’s all about the money, boys!” as the Bible salesman named Big Dan proclaims in O Brother, Where Art Thou? And we agree. It is all about the money.